Filter ICMPv6 with tcpdump

If you want to filter ICMP echo-requests with tcpdump, you can use this command:

tcpdump -i em0 "icmp[0] == 8"

But it doesn’t work if you try the same syntax with ICMPv6:

tcpdump -i em0 "icmp6[0] == 128"
tcpdump: IPv6 upper-layer protocol is not supported by proto[x]

Instead you can parse directly the IPv6 payload. An IPv6 packet is 40 bytes long, and the first 8 bits of the ICMPv6 header specify its type:

tcpdump -i eth0 "icmp6 && ip6[40] == 128"

The most common ICMPv6 types are:

  • unreachable: 1
  • too-big: 2
  • time-exceeded: 3
  • echo-request: 128
  • echo-reply: 129
  • router-solicitation: 133
  • router-advertisement: 134
  • neighbor-solicitation: 135
  • neighbor-advertisement: 136

IPv6 rDNS stub-zone on unbound

We have stub-zones configured on our gateway for reverse IPv6. Our ISP doesn’t delegate rDNS but we still want to lookup addresses (at least on the local side). To do so I configured a stub-zone from unbound, our local caching DNS, to our own rDNS authoritative server. Apparently unbound wants an IPv6 for its IPv6 rDNS queries to the stub-zone. Since IPv6 is not always working I solved that using the local interface. That is, the rDNS authoritative listen on localhost:5353 and unbound uses this as its stub-zone addresses.

On the authoritative (here NSD):

 ip-address: ::1@5353
 do-ip6: yes

On unbound, note that we need do-not-query-localhost: no to allow queries on localhost:

 do-not-query-localhost: no

 stub-addr: ::1@5353

Back in v6

After quite a long time we are now back in the v6 world thanks to Hurricane Electric.
We lost our IPv6 connectivity when migrating our VPS from OpenVZ to KVM. There is no IPv6 on the newer OVH VPS 2016 although we had one on the older version. I don’t know why it is and when asked via a ticket they assured me that it would be available soon. This was months ago, still no IPv6, and I am not alone. This is becoming long and really awkward for OVH, supposed to be the 3rd hosting provider in the world.

Setting up the tunnel with HE was painless. You just configure a simple 6in4 (gif on BSD / sit on Linux) tunnel from your IPv4 to the endpoint they provide to you and your are done!

In the meantime we also configured the IPv6 prefix that we received from our ISP. I used ndppd, an NDP proxy daemon, so that our ISP modem believes that the IPv6 hosts are located on the same link and not one or more hop away (as they really are indeed, there is an intermediate router between our LAN and the modem). So we don’t need SixXS anymore which is great!

IPv6 representation in NSD

I use NSD as my authoritative DNS. Today I made a mistake while entering new AAAA records. Actually it was a bug in one of the scripts we use to manage our zones. Take the following representation, 2001:aaaa:bbbb:cccc::1111:2222:3333:4444, it is not a valid representation for an IPv6 address. According to the RFC4291, the double-colon symbol (::) indicates one or more groups of 16 bits of zeros. Since 8 groups of 16 bits are explicitly written in the preceding representation, the 128 bits of the IPv6 address are already detailed so there can be no extra group of zeros. The reason I made this mistake is that if you often work with /48 prefixes and you don’t care about your 65k subnets, all your IPv6 addresses will have zeros between the prefix and the interface ID.

Most programs will detect this as invalid, probably because they use inet_pton() to translate the address into its binary representation. Some others, such as ipv6calc parse the address manually and do not consider this as a buggy representation. In the latter case, the group is considered empty, and the double-colon implicitly translated to a single colon.

If you use this kind of invalid representation in a AAAA record, NSD will not reload your zone correctly, but on the other hand, neither will it complain and the queries will be made on a database that still contains your old zone. Of course this would not happen if you used nsd-checkzone to check your zone before reloading it.

Redirect traffic to loopback

Today I wanted to transparantly redirect the DNS requests coming at the output of a tunnel to a local caching DNS resolver. The caching DNS was listening only on the loopback as port 53 was already bound to other interfaces. That would be fairly simple on Linux:

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i tun0 -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -A FORWARD -i tun0 -o lo -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT

But… The kernel will refuse to route packets with the loopback as source or destination because this qualify as a martian packet. The solution was to enable the route_localnet flag. As stated in the kernel documentation:

route_localnet – BOOLEAN: Do not consider loopback addresses as martian source or destination while routing. This enables the use of 127/8 for local routing purposes (default FALSE).

This is per interface. So I just had to enable this on the tunnel interface:

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/tun0/route_localnet

FreeBSD 10 on ThinkPad X250


I’m now using FreeBSD 10-RELEASE on a ThinkPad X250. It’s been quite a while now, and I should have written this long ago. Well… Here we go! Everything works fine except for:

  • Intel Broadwell integrated graphics
  • Intel Wireless 7265
  • Resume/Suspend

For the integrated graphics, the Broadwell architecture is not yet supported [1, 2]. But it works well using VESA at native resolution (1920×1080). I had to tweak the MTTR a little to get reasonable performance. Of course you cannot use your VGA and miniDP anymore. That’s a bummer for giving presentations. To this regard, I still rely on Linux. Also you cannot adjust screen luminosity, it’s always at full power. So if you are in a dark room or a car at night, you will transform yourself into a lamppost.

Here is what I have in my /etc/rc.local for the MTTRs:

memcontrol clear -b 0xc0000000 -l 0x20000000
memcontrol set -b 0xc0000000 -l 0x20000000 -o BIOS write-combine

I also had to force the DPI in /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/dpi.conf

Section "Monitor"
  Identifier "Monitor0"
  Option     "DPI" "96x96"

For the WiFi, there is an iwm driver coming in FreeBSD 11 that was ported from OpenBSD. Until recently I used a Ralink RT2500USB card to get it working. But last week, I did a quick and dirty backport for FreeBSD 10, it is available here. This is a fork of the iwm driver before its inclusion in HEAD. It works somewhat. But please keep in mind that I have no clue here. I still have to read more and get into the FreeBSD kernel. And this is a temporary solution while we are waiting for the release of FreeBSD 11.

The driver still crashes when loaded with virtual box modules. Also the channel is currently locked. So if you want to use it, you need to find the correct channel first, select it manually, and then try to associate. There is a small script on the repo to do so.

Rename interfaces on Linux

I just reinstalled a Debian stable on a laptop but messed with the interfaces so that an external USB WiFi card appeared as wlan0 while the main card appeared as wlan1. In case you wondered you can rename or reset interface names in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules. That’s on systemd though.
I wonder how we can change that on sysvinit? Nobody cares, probably, but I do.

According to what I read there, it is not consistent. Interfaces are named in the order in which they appear during the boot process. However it is possible to use ifrename from the wireless tools package. Why this tool that should work for all type of interface is part of the wireless tools package is beyond my comprehension. But hey whatever, Linux, and it just works.

If you are curious and want to know how ifrename actually does rename an interface, according to the code it uses a SIOCSIFNAME ioctl on a socket file descriptor. There it passes a struct ifreq in which you can provide a new name for the interface. Just man netdevice(7) for more info.

Use notify-send as root

The automount script is a neat devd based automounter for FreeBSD. Just pkg install automount and all your removable media will mount themselves automatically in /media when you plug them in. It’s very clean. You may also check vumount, a short script that I made to list all removable media and remove the mount point when you unmount them.

It’s possible to configure automount to send a notification to your desktop using notify-send from libnotify. What it does exactly is (as root):

env DISPLAY=:0 notify-send automount "Device '${1}' mounted on '${3}' directory."

Except that it doesn’t work… I started dbus-monitor and tried notify-send as root (from ttyv2) but didn’t receive anything and notify-send did not complain. So I tried to start dbus-monitor from root instead, in the hope that it would be a bit more verbose than notify-send. I got this error message:

Failed to open connection to session message bus: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

By default DBus sessions are private and don’t accept connections from other users than the one that own the bus, even root. The solution is to configure DBus to allow root on the session bus. Edit /usr/local/etc/dbus-1/session.conf and add this line to the default policy:

<allow user="root"/>

But you still need tell DBus how to connect to the session bus. To do so you have to specify the session bus address in DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS. Fortunately automount is a shell script, so you can fetch and export the bus address from its configuration file. Just add this to /usr/local/etc/automount.conf:

# Load DBus session bus address
if [ -d /home/$DBUS_USER/.dbus/session-bus ]
  dbus_file=$(ls -t1 /home/$DBUS_USER/.dbus/session-bus | head -n1)
  export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=$(cat /home/$DBUS_USER/.dbus/session-bus/$dbus_file | \
                                    grep "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=" | \
                                    sed 's/[A-Z_]*=//')

Data signing failed

I got the following error while trying to send a signed (GPG) e-mail using claws-mail:

Signature failed: Data signing failed, General error

Turns out it was a path problem. The GPG agent uses pinentry to ask for your private key password. The agent was configured with the absolute path to pinentry-gtk-2 on Linux. But this happened on FreeBSD and executables are located in /usr/local, not /usr.

So I changed in ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf:

- pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-gtk-2
+ pinentry-program /usr/local/bin/pinentry-gtk-2