Attach a patch to an issue on GitHub

You can’t attach a patch on an issue on GitHub. Instead, it seems you have to use this :

Well… Copy-pasting ain’t a way to issue a patch. So I made a little script to upload files on my server. You can download it here:

It uses some other commands from the SUnix repository. Though it should be easy to adapt it without them.

GTranslate and Weboob

This is a quick interface to translation tools. In particular it was made to interface a specific tool from Weboob. For those who don’t know Weboob is a collection of applications able to interact with websites without a browser and mostly from command line interfaces. This allows GTranslate to use web translation services such as Google-Translate. However it can also be used with others translation tools as long as they offer a simple command-line way to translate a text from one language to another. It can also be easily adapted to any tool to provide an interactive conversion from one type to another. I made this tool to try out GTK-3 and GtkBuilder and actually building interfaces with Glade is really easier.

You may found the github page at
And a small project page at


Speaking about Weboob I think this is a very good initiative because I’m getting a bit sick of these overpowered web-browsers outshining the application landscape. I mean we should tend toward a web of services but instead we just spend our time recoding everything we already had in JavaScript and shiny HTML5 interfaces. And I think, or rather hope that the future of web lies outside the browsers.