Install awscli2 on FreeBSD 14.1-p3

Whilst I often use the awscli on Linux or mac for which there are binary installers, I also tend to work on personal projects on FreeBSD. Unfortunately this OS is not supported by AWS. Some would recommend to use the Linuxulator but surely running a native version would be better. So here is a quick step-through of how I got it running on FreeBSD 14.1-p3 with python311 thanks mostly to this github issue and also this one. Although this is done with python311 and py311-pip, you can probably use the same method for older version of python down to python39.

First we need to clone awscli2 from Be careful to select the v2 branch.

git clone
cd aws-cli
git checkout v2

Then, I ran into a problem with pyOpenSSL. After installing it, executing awscli returned the following error message: ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT = _lib.X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT. Thanks to this other issue, it seems like a quick solution was to downgrade the version of pyOpenSSL (but this step might not be necessary to you, future reader blessed with a fix):

sudo pip install pyOpenSSL==23.1.0

Then it’s a matter of installing the requirements and building/installing the command line tool (note that it needs gcc tho, in my case gcc13-13.3.0):

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo CC=/usr/local/bin/gcc pip install -e .

And tada!

» aws --version
aws-cli/2.17.49 Python/3.11.9 FreeBSD/14.1-RELEASE-p3 source/amd64