Today’s movie: Cafard

It’s been a long time since I last posted about a movie. Truth is, there are so many movies that I’ve seen since then that I wanted to talk about, but finally didn’t seem to find the time. So I postponed to the next week, and then to some week-end eventually and finally I didn’t post anything.

Actually it’s been so long that I’ll probably have to watch all those movies again before I can post about them. I don’t mind this though, and will probably watch them again anyway. But I really think I should post  ASAP and try my best to keep it short.

That was for the short update. Now for the movie…

Я люблю тебя

Я люблю тебя

Cafard by Jan Bultheel inspired by the true story of the Belgian ACM corps sent to Russia to fight the German army in 1915. Not a movie about war, if you ask me, or not only. But a great and colorful animation for adult.

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