AMD Renoir GPU on FreeBSD 13 (bis)

In a previous post, I explained that I backported the 5.5-stable branch of drm-kmod and got it running on FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE although some bugs persisted.

Since then I’ve received several requests if it was possible to access the code or if a port was available. However the answer was always that it was a quick and dirty patch, panic do occur and that it wasn’t published on purpose (but a tarball was available).

But I’ve been at it again. I first tried to backport the 5.7-stable branch to FreeBSD 13. It did compile and display worked. But there were several bugs that I was unable to fix.

So I restarted the patch over 5.5-stable but this time dedicated more than 10 minutes for the task. The thing works and even fixed a bug in the process. Also it does now compile on a fresh FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE ✌️

This new version is available on my github as 5.5-fbsd13release branch. Feel free to clone and try. Intel i915 is still not supported but could be if someone is interested and willing to try it.

Still no port tho, as I’m not confident at all in my understanding of drm-kmod and ability to contribute.

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